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Uudet julkaisut

  • CEN ISO/TS 7127:2024:en15.10.2024

    Light and lighting. Building information modelling properties for lighting. Lighting systems (ISO/TS 7127:2023)

    108,60 € (alv 0 %) 119,46 € (alv 10 %)
  • CEN/TS 18078:2024:en15.10.2024

    Electronic fee collection. Measurement of interferences on tolling and tachograph devices from radio local area network devices operating in the 5,8 GHz frequency range. Test suite structure and test purposes

    74,50 € (alv 0 %) 81,95 € (alv 10 %)
  • CEN/TS 927-15:2024:en15.10.2024

    Paints and varnishes. Coating materials and coating systems for exterior wood. Part 15: Assessment of bleeding of coloured wood extractives through a coating by means of a water immersion test

    37,10 € (alv 0 %) 40,81 € (alv 10 %)
  • SFS-eKirja 618:201215.10.2024

    Tekninen dokumentointi - Dokumentaation jäsentely, dokumenttien luokittelu ja hallinta

    155,20 € (alv 0 %) 170,72 € (alv 10 %)
  • SFS-EN 13237:2024:en15.10.2024

    Potentially explosive atmospheres. Terms and definitions for equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres

    81,30 € (alv 0 %) 89,43 € (alv 10 %)
  • Lisää uusia julkaisuja >